Nighttime view from hotel

Looking out from the Kyoto Hotel

Udsyn fra hotelværelset på Kyoto Hotel

Looking out the hotel window of the Kyoto Grand Hotel

Looking out the hotel window of the Kyoto Grand Hotel

Looking out the hotel window of the Kyoto Grand Hotel

Street below the hotel window

Street below the hotel window

Street below the hotel window

Street below the hotel window

Street below the hotel window

Looking out the hotel window of the Kyoto Grand Hotel

Financial buildings in L.A.

Panorama of view from hotel window at Kyoto Grand Hotel

Panorama 1

Panorama of view from hotel window at Kyoto Grand Hotel

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)